Jesús Martínez

Responsable de la zona de producción al agua.

How do you feel about working in this company for 25 years? It is a pride that Pinturas Isaval has counted on me since the beginning and continues doing so. Time goes on very fast and I have grown professionally. I am very happy to be a member of this great family.   What is…

  • How do you feel about working in this company for 25 years?

It is a pride that Pinturas Isaval has counted on me since the beginning and continues doing so. Time goes on very fast and I have grown professionally. I am very happy to be a member of this great family.


  • What is the key to continue working in the same company for so long? Please, tell us the secret…

Secret? There is no secret. Just improving day after day and working together with all my colleagues. This is the key for success! At least, it has worked out for me. What is more, I have been constantly adapted to the circumstances. This is and always will be my work philosophy.


  • Do you like your work? Do you like it more or less than before? Do you work with the same enthusiasm?

I have always liked my work. Of course, my work has been changing over 25 years but I continue working with the same illusion and spirit of improvement as I had when I joined this company. I am lucky to work in something I like.


  • What was the company like in 1987 when you joined it and what is it like at present? How have you lived this evolution? Which things have changed?

When I joined this company the working atmosphere was really good. Fortunately, this continues the same over time!

The directors have always run the company in a very good way and it is well coordinated by the managers of each section. Besides, I would like to emphasize the great fellowship among employees.

I have lived the company’s development with enthusiasm and illusion.

ISAVAL has improved over time, has grown a lot and I hope this development continues being like this, thanks to the work by the management team and by each and every worker.


  • Please, tell us an anecdote or memory over this 25 years working in this company.

I particularly remember when my colleagues in the factory and in the laboratory played a joke on me pretending to be a radio programme. They told me that I had won 1,000 Euros and I believed it! When we organised a company dinner in a tablao flamenco, I was given a “false” cheque by one of the flamenco dancers. When I knew that it was a joke I could not stop laughing!! This is one of the most recent anecdotes.