Reviquarz elástico liso SE
Waterproofing acrylic elastic semi-thick of maximum quality for decorating and protecting façades.
Waterproofing acrylic elastic semi-thick of maximum quality for decorating and protecting façades.
Structured mineral mortar for the waterproofing and decoration of façades, based on the latest technology nanohybrid resin composites. Component of the Rhonaterm system that contributes to LEED and BREEAM certifications.
Mortero mineral estructurado en base a resinas híbridas de nano composite de última tecnología para la impermeabilización y decoración de fachadas.
Argamassa estruturada à base de resinas híbridas de nano composite de última tecnologia para a impermeabilização e decoração de fachadas. Componente do sistema Rhonaterm que contribui para as certificações LEED e BREEAM.
Structured mineral mortar for the waterproofing and decoration of façades, based on the latest technology nanohybrid resin composites. Component of the Rhonaterm system that contributes to LEED and BREEAM certifications.
Pigmented acrylic primer, highly resistant to alkalinity and atmospheric agents. Considerably increases adhesion…
Homogeneous fine grain mineral acrylic mortar made from silicon resins for waterproofing façades and interiors.
Argamassa estruturada mineral à base de resina de silicone para impermeabilização e decoração de fachadas. Especialmente apto em sistemas de isolamento térmico RHONATHERM. Componente do sistema Rhonaterm que contribui para as certificações LEED e BREEAM.
Structured mineral mortar for the waterproofing and decoration of façades, based on silicon resin. Especially suitable for RHONATHERM thermal insulation systems. Component of the Rhonaterm system that contributes to LEED and BREEAM certifications.
New-generation polymer elastic adhesive sealant.
Cementitious adhesive with mixed binders with reduced slippage and extended open time and C1TE classification, intended for gluing all types of ceramic pieces, porcelain stoneware, marble, granite and natural stone, on interior and exterior flooring and interior coatings.
Water-based microfiber plaster for interior and exterior use. indicated for plastering walls and facades, giving them planimetry for the subsequent application of REVIQUARZ LISO. Component of the Rhonaterm system that contributes to LEED and BREEAM certifications.