
11 Jul 2016

Teide special matt

Excellent quality, matte vinyl plastic paint, with a pleasant silky touch.

11 Jul 2016

Isaclean repels stains

Water-based acrylic paint resistant to the most common household stains, super washable and able to withstand rubbing without leaving halos and shiny surfaces.

11 Jul 2016

Isablock sanitizing effect

Water-based acrylic paint that acquires a sanitizing effect when the paint film is dry due to the presence of a silver ion based component with large antimicrobial spectrum.

8 Jul 2016

Elba matt plastic

Vinyl emulsion for matte decorations with high washability, matching and coverage requirements.

8 Jul 2016

Rhona M-322

Modified single-component mortar with quick hardening for application in rehabilitation and restoration of horizontal surfaces and walls.

8 Jul 2016

Rhona® M 311

RHONA M-311 is a structural repair mortar based on Portland cement, selected aggregates, special fillers, chemical additives, fibres and polymers, which provides high compatibility with the concrete to correctly repair it. Respond all the requirements established in the “GREEN BUILDING”, offering the highest possible score for BREEAM and / or LEED certifications.

8 Jul 2016

Reviquarz SC-10

Homogenous fine grain mineral acrylic mortar made from silicon resins for waterproofing façades and interiors. Anti-mould paint preservative (for film).

8 Jul 2016

Reviquarz Q-200

Waterproof and water-vapour breathable acrylic thick-layer coating. It stands out for its ease of application and good weather resistance. Anti-mould paint preservative (for film).

8 Jul 2016

Reviquarz Q-150

Waterproof and water-vapour breathable acrylic coating in aqueous dispersion. Easy-to-apply, highly weather-resistant product. Anti-mould paint preservative (for film).

8 Jul 2016

Reviquarz NT-10

Structured mineral mortar for the waterproofing and decoration of façades, based on the latest technology nanohybrid resin composites. Anti-mould paint preservative (for film).

8 Jul 2016

Reviquarz G-20

Homogeneous grain mineral acrylic mortar for waterproofing and decoration of façades and interiors. Trowel or spray application of dense pastes. Trowelled, drop, and crumpled-drop finish. Does not crack in thick coating. Anti-mould paint preservative (for film).